Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trying to stay entertained

It has been such a hot summer that Ellie and I have not been doing anything outside that doesn't involve water, MEANING, we've been indoors trying to stay entertained. We did a lot of swimming at the beginning of the summer but really haven't been much in the past two months. Stephen and I have taken her to Ijump several times, bowling, and tree top but that gets expensive. I've taken her to the book store a few times to play with the dolls and the train table but that is kinda far so that takes that off the list. Entertainment comes down to play dates (which we love), borrowing friends kids, and making stuff. We have jumped on the trampoline on the rare occasion that it isn't sweltering and actually Stephen has jumped out there with her several times with the sprinklers on.

We've baked and cooked like crazy but today I decided we were going to make some crafty stuff. I searched a few blogs, made a list, and then Ellie and I headed to Wal Mart to buy our supplies. We made window paint and painted the double doors going onto the deck and she had so much fun. Who knew? She also used the paint to paint the bathtub during bath time...

While I made lunch, daddy and Ellie made Ice Cream in a bag and it was actually DELICIOUS! It was so good that they immediately made a triple batch after tasting the first batch. Granted, one batch is only enough for one person, if even that :). Ellie enjoyed making it and then putting sprinkles and chocolate chips on hers. YUM

We made one batch of homemade doodle paint and it turned out good so we'll make more tomorrow or one day next week. I have to buy the squirt bottles to put them in first. We still have plans to make play dough, puff paint, bird treats, and several other things. I think a couple of things a day is good for now though :).

Oh, and Ellie and I made a "busy tray". It's basically a cookie sheet covered in scrap book paper. We made letter magnets out of clear stones and card stock that she can put on the cookie sheet to practice her letters/spelling. (No, she isn't spelling, I said practice :) ). It can also be used to put a color sheet on and has a lip all the way around so that her colored pencils don't fall off. I plan to make some cards with different words on them that she can put the corresponding letter magnet on each letter on the card. It could also be used as a snack tray. I'm going to leave it in the car for those times when we have to wait and Ellie is bored :) Anyways, it's so cute and I got the idea off of another blog. The magnet idea is from and the busy board is from

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Baking Bread

Ellie and I made bread this morning! She poured all the ingredients and whisked it until it got "too hard" with all the flour in it. Next we sprinkled flour all over the counters and she helped me knead the dough. She did pretty good I must say. After we kneaded the bread for TEN long minutes, we had to let it set for an hour and a half....
Next it was time to punch the dough and make the rolls
All done~all that's left is the baking

I just got these out of the oven and they are YUMMY! Good job Ellie

Saturday, July 23, 2011

So thankful for this precious child

I am so thankful that God has blessed us with Ellie. She is such a wonderful girl and brings such joy to everyone she is around. She is always happy and laughing and making the funniest faces. She has the best sense of humor and uses it often. Each night I lay in her bed with her and we read certain books in a certain order. The last two books we read are her Bible (pre school version) and a book of prayers. We read about 8 prayers from the book and the first one we read is The Lords Prayer. Tonight, as I was reading it to her she was kinda mumbling along with me so I said, "lets read it again" and she says "no, I'll read it mommy". This is what she says "Our father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as in Heaven"..."Forgive us of trepasses and lead not to temptation"...and she stumbled through the rest. Now, she got the first five lines PERFECT then skipped a line, said a couple more, then said some of the other phrases. This child is only 27 months old! I felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest, she is so amazing. I cannot thank God enough for this precious gift and I just wanted to share a little bit of why she is so awesome :)


Ellie is trying to learn the names of all her fingers. She really likes the pinkie finger and the thumb. Her pronunciation of all her words is getting so so clear. I think it's been clear all along but she's really sounding out each letter now. I love that she can talk. Makes life so much easier :)

Stephen and I took her to the bowling alley today. It was her first trip and she had so much fun. It was the middle of the day but they had cosmic bowling going on so everything was lit up. She liked her bowling shoes and that the shoe laces were lighting up. Of course daddy took her to the arcade section while we waited for our lane and they played games. She likes that game where you throw/roll the ball and try to make it into one of the holes. Daddy lets her walk up to the front and toss the balls in but she still manages to get them into the zero point hole most of the time, lol. We had lots of fun. After bowling we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and then to Target. It was such an awesome family day. I love days like these :).
Stephen and I decided that we want to join a bowling league together so I think we're going to do that in September. Should be lots of fun. It would just be nice to do something as a couple on a regular basis. I just need to talk to grandmommy about watching Ellie for us those nights. It's just one night a week and its close to her bed time. Besides, grandmommy and grandaddy love watching Ellie ( and she LOVES them). Shouldn't be a problem, I'm excited!

Everyone enjoy your weekend~

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I love you Mommy

Ellie is always saying " I love you mommy" and it melts my heart. She's so sweet!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

We celebrated Independence day yesterday with some of our best buddies. Ellie really enjoyed the fireworks and playing outside in the dark :). She was asking today if we could go see fireworks again, lol.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Garage Sale Stand-off

Stephen, Ellie, and I went to some garage sales this morning. At one of the houses Ellie found a suitcase that opens up to a beauty parlor. Well, she sees this thing and says "momma, I want to see this". So I go over, open it for her and this other little girl, about 4 years old, comes swooping in and looking around. Well Ellie was getting anxious and saying it was hers and I kept telling her not to worry, the girl was just looking. Well, the little girl decided that SHE wanted it and I say "No, sorry honey, Ellie had it first". Well, her mom yells, from where she is CHECKING OUT, "get it" in Spanish. Never even comes over to assess the situation. Well if you know me, you know I'm not gonna sit back and let my daughter or myself get bullied by someone who won't even come check out the situation. I tell her again, "No, you can't have it, she (being my daughter) had it first". Well at this point it's a standoff. Ellie closes the suitcase, picks it up, and firmly grips the handle saying "No, it's mine". This is my child, and she will not be bullied by ANYONE. It was so funny and irritating at the same time. I am so glad that she sticks up for herself and at the same time I'm thinking this other mom is being completely lazy and rude. She was ALREADY CHECKING OUT when her daughter tried to swoop in on Ellie's toy. UGH. Below is the item in demand and as you see it is at our house :)


Ellie would LIVE in her "peejamies" if I allowed it. This all started back in April, the day after her birthday party. Tito and Tita bought her a pair of pajamas with satin pants and she could not get enough. She wore them all day, every day and only took them off long enough for me to wash them. Below are the pjs I speak of...

I mean seriously, the only time she didn't have the p..j's on were when we were going somewhere. I was able to finally convince her to rotate her pjs but here we are, JULY, and she is still living in her pajamas. She is a lady of leisure. With that being said, a lot of the pictures I have of her appear to be in the morning, because she is in her p.j's, but it's just an illusion. Sometimes its 3 o'clock in the afternoon, we've been out and about in regular clothes, and as soon as we get back in the DRIVEWAY she's asking about her pajamas :). Who am I to tell her she can't lounge around the house, play in the yard, or on the trampoline in her p.j's? LOL. You're only young once.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Update on Ellie

Ellie is a TALKER, which I love, but some of the stuff that sticks out in my mind is:

"You a princess mommy"
"Coming Mom"
"Just a second"
"You'll be right back?"
"Hey babe/Wake up babe" (in which she is talking to her daddy, lol)
"I love you so much"
"I want my grandmommy"

I registered Ellie for MDO in the fall so I'm anxious to see how she does with that. I am sure she will love it but it's still scary, well not scary, but nerve wracking, to send my sweet little angel to spend time with other people and kids on a regular basis when I'm not around. However, several of her good friends go to the same church she'll be going too so at least there will be some familiar faces.

Ellie and I have gone to pick blueberries several times this season. We are really taking advantage of living so close to the blueberry farm and go anytime it is cloudy and cool. Which, if you live here you know we've had lots of those days lately. She doesn't really like blueberries but she likes picking them and she enjoys visiting with the cat that lives in the barn at Smith Farms. When I was growing up my mom always took my brother and I to pick berries of all sorts. My great grandmother and grandfather had a farm in Ohio where we spent time each year so we were always picking something on their farm, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, etc. Mom also took us to local places if I recall correctly. Good times nonetheless.


Daddy surprised Ellie with a trampoline last week. He came home with it just as I was putting Ellie down for a nap and we went outside to assemble it. It took us the entire two hours and we finished putting it up just in the nick of time. When Ellie woke up we brought her outside and she looked shocked. Her mouth was just hanging open and she said "Zat my trampoline? I want to jump".  She LOVES so we are on it all the time!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I'm sooo behind

Sorry I haven't blogged since Ellie's birthday! It's hard to find the time. I have so much to do all the time that sitting at the computer to write is a rare luxury. Soooo, a few days after Ellie's birthday party we went to the beach with my mom. Ellie, mom, and I stayed on the beach and Stephen stayed about 30 minutes inland at a golf tournament. Ellie LOVED the beach and so did I. It was so relaxing to have mom there to help watch Ellie. We spent every morning on the beach, went in for nap (well, Ellie and mom did, I stayed on the beach, soaking up the peace and quiet), back to the beach for a couple hours and then ordered food in. It was SO NICE!! Ellie loved waiting on the waves to knock her over. So cute!

We had family pictures made mid May at the Botanical Gardens and they turned out so cute!!

Mom and Bubba went back to Africa mid May so Ellie and I have been spending as much time as possible in the pool. We've managed to get Stephen out there with us a couple times but its mainly just the two of us. Ellie has no fear of the water and I'm quite certain she'll be swimming by the end of this summer. She is doing so well. She goes all the way under, kicks her feet and moves her arms around and manages to get back up. She is starting to move forward so she's getting there!! Its so exciting! I can't wait for her to be able to swim all the way :)

We took down Ellie's crib last week so now her room has a lot more open space which is nice. I was a little sad when we took down the crib; little by little she's no longer being seen as a baby :(. She is such a sweet girl though, love love love.

Oh, and Stephen turns 30 in a few days and I'm throwing him an 80's themed birthday party!! I'll post pictures after.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ellie's Birthday Party

She got embarrassed when everyone sang

We had a HUGE minnie mouse birthday celebration for Ellie's second birthday this past Saturday. Her Grandmomma and Grandaddy came from Africa, Tito, Tita, and cousin Haven came from Nashville, Grandpa came from Orlando, and of course Dede, Bobby, Aunt Jackie and Uncle Patrick came from around here. She had lots and lots of friends come over and the kids decorated Minnie Mouse wands, colored pictures, and what proved to be the most popular thing, decorated Minnie Mouse Cookies. They also spent a lot of time in the ball pit and running around the trees outside. We spent two days cooking, baking, and decorating and the everything turned out so cute! Ellie had an absolute blast and so did I. It was a great day spent with family and friends.


My dad, step mom and nephew Haven were here from Nashville so Haven went to church with Stephen, Ellie, and I this morning. A huge thing happened today, Haven asked Jesus Christ to come into his heart!!! I am so proud of him for being so brave and getting in front of all his peers, none of whom he knew. He was in children's church so Stephen and I weren't even there. YAY Haven!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ellie is TWO

Two years ago today I gave birth to the most beautiful, precious, amazing little baby,  Elizabeth "Ellie" T. Fike. Somehow, in what seems like the blink of an eye, she has turned into a little girl who is outspoken yet submissive, funny and serious, sweet, loving, brave, daring, tough yet sensitive, and all together incredible. Ellie brings such joy to our life and to everyone she comes into contact with. She is so polite and is always smiling and laughing and saying hello.  She has the most beautiful blue eyes and the prettiest lips I've ever seen. I am so enamored with her and truly greatful that we have recieved such a wonderful blessing from God. 
                                                 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet angel!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pudding Paint

Finger Painting with pudding today...

Beachin it

STephen, Ellie, and I took a quick trip to the beach last weekend and it was so nice to get away. We stayed with a friend that has a little boy that is two and a half and he and Ellie had a good time playing together. They were both so sweet with eachother. Several people asked if they were twins, haha. Ellie loved the beach and playing in the sand even though it was too cold to get in the water. We spent most of the day Saturday in the pool and hot tub and then went to eat on the beach that night. The restaurant had a really nice playground on the beach so after dinner we let Ellie play on the playground and in the sand. Stephen walked her to the ocean and showed her how to build a sand castle; well he tried anyways. She was mainly interested in knocking it over than anything else. Sunday was BeAUTIFUL so we went to the beach bright and early. When the birds ran us off (They weren't really messing with us but Ellie was not a huge fan of them so she said she was ready to go)we went to the pool for a couple hours, hit up the outlets, then drove home. So nice to get away.

Zoo Day

We went to the zoo last Friday with several of our friends and Ellie had so much fun. The weather was nice, semi cold, but beautiful. There is a new section of the zoo that is really pretty and Ellie had so much fun running around with her friends. We saw the usual, monkeys, giraffes, one elephant, zebras,etc...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"I want my Grandmomma"

Ellie has been missing her grandmomma a lot lately and it seems like she is always saying "I want my grandmomma". We have been telling her that Grandmomma was coming to visit soon and Ellie is expecting her to like, walk through the door. We were on the web cam with mom yesterday morning and I said "Grandmomma is coming to see you soon!". Well, Ellie got up, walked to the door, opened it, and said "Grandmomma's coming?!". I felt so bad! She really thinks she is like down the street or something. If you ask Ellie where gmomma lives she will tell you Africa but obviously, she doesn't really know where that is. She is just breaking my heart. She is a grandmomma's girl all the way and wants to see her so bad. On the way home, just a few minutes ago, she was really sleepy and just kept quietly crying and saying "I want my grandmomma" :-(. Poor baby.
Last Wednesday Ellie made a card for her grandmomma and grandaddy to send to Africa with a guy who was leaving the next morning. We traced Ellie's hands and feet and she put heart stickers all over the card. I put some pictures of Ellie from that morning making the card inside the card as a special surprise :-) She is such a sweet baby!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Big girls, NOT NICE"

Ellie and I were at the park earlier this week and decided to go for a walk for a little while and then come back and play. Well, at this park there is big play equiptment and little play equiptment, obviously for bigger kids and little kids respectively. So, when we get back to the playground from our walk we sat down at the tables and noticed two girls, probably ten years old, throwing HUGE mud balls ALL OVER THE LITTLE EQUIPTMENT. Well, it was already COVERED in mud; I mean all over all the slides, handrails, stairs, tunnels, EVERYWHERE. All I can do is sit there and stare and shake my head. Ellie said "big girls my friends" and I said "no ma'am. They are NOT being nice and you are not their friend". Well after throwing a few mud balls I guess they grew weary of my staring and stopped. Well then they came right over to where we were and started doing cartwheels and what not in the grass next to us. I could not hold my tounge any longer. I said "Girls, what you did was NOT NICE. You threw mud ALL OVER the little kids playground so now where are the little kids like her (pointing to Ellie) going to play? That was not nice and all. You should not have done that". They didn't say a word to me. One whispered to the other and then they walked over and began attempting to clean up their mess. The funny part is that while they were cleaning Elie is saying very loudly, looking directly at them, "Big girls, NOT NICE!" over and over! HILARIOUS. I told her she was right and that it is not nice to throw mud on the playground. Obviously they couldn't get it all clean and just ran off to their Grandad who was sitting in his car, in plain sight of what was going on. UGH! We went back a couple days later and yes, the mud was still DRIED on the equiptment.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring time, are you here?

I am so confused and annoyed by this weather. One week it's warm the next it's cold. Well I'm over it and so is Ellie. She got used to going to the park everyday and then it turned cold and rainy for a week and all day every day last week she asked to go to the park or the lake. I took some pictures of her a few days ago and if I didn't know it was Ellie I would not have recognized her. She has gotten so big and just looks so grown up. She is always telling people that "she be 2 and have ninnie nouse party". She is very excited and so am I. I have been making the decorations and list after list for the past two months. I've finished the banner and am almost done with the minnie/mickey mouse ears. Her party is going to be so cute! I'll post pictures after, which by the way is a month away :). Next thing I'll be working on is the pinata!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I love you

I put Ellie down for her nap and I could hear her talking on the monitor. After about 15 minutes or so I heard her say "Momma, I drop my paci" so I went downstairs, gave her her paci, and rocked her while singing "rock a bye baby". She fell asleep so I put her in her crib. When I went to lay her down she woke up just a little bit and said "I luh you". Melt my heart, sweet baby girl!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Doing Makeup

Ellie likes to watch me get ready in the morning and last Saturday she decided to do her own makeup while we were waiting on Aunt Aly to go shopping. It was so cute and thought I'd share a few pictures. Side note, I did "fix" her makeup before we went out :)

She liked what she saw

Kissy face

Sweet girl loved her makeup

All ready to go :-)

Spring is coming

The spring weather is here and we are loving it. We are staying outside pretty much all day every day; breakfast at our lake, picnic at the park, dinner outside with friends :-) Here are a few pics from the last couple of weeks.
Valentines Play group with the minnie mouse daddy got her

Dinner on the porch with sweet Camden

Playing in the tunnel together

Friday, January 28, 2011

Valentines Prep

We bought Ellie's Valentines cards today and she wanted to go ahead and get started on them. (Don't call her a procrastinator) She signed all of them and then put the goody bags together. After she signed a card she would say "neeext" and on to the next she went. She actually put the candy and cards in the bag and all I did was write the names on the outside of the bags and tie them. She is such a sweet girl!

Just playing around

Pretending to take a nap in her tunnel

Grandmomma's socks

These are moms pink furry socks and Ellie loves them! She got in mom's drawer and put them on all by herself while I was busy filing papers away. Silly Goose

Speaking of Ellie's curtains

I was at the dining room table working on Ellie's curtains and decided to go to the kitchen to check on little miss and this is what I saw...
Putting the lid back on the marker

Going to get situated

Drawing "circuhs" (circles)
All the markers, paper, stamps, and letters out and playing

This just melted my heart for so many reasons. First, she rarely
ever plays alone. She normally wants "mama sit" so we can
color, read, or do whatever together. Second, I'm not the one in
charge of cleaning all this mess up. She actually cleans most of
it by herself. She will sing "cean up, cean up" and take care
of business. Of course, I help her but she is really good at doing
it herself. Lastly, I can't believe my baby girl is big enough to draw circles, and get out all of her stuff all by herself! She has a cabinet in the kitchen with her art stuff and she just helps herself. I love this child!