Saturday, June 25, 2011

I'm sooo behind

Sorry I haven't blogged since Ellie's birthday! It's hard to find the time. I have so much to do all the time that sitting at the computer to write is a rare luxury. Soooo, a few days after Ellie's birthday party we went to the beach with my mom. Ellie, mom, and I stayed on the beach and Stephen stayed about 30 minutes inland at a golf tournament. Ellie LOVED the beach and so did I. It was so relaxing to have mom there to help watch Ellie. We spent every morning on the beach, went in for nap (well, Ellie and mom did, I stayed on the beach, soaking up the peace and quiet), back to the beach for a couple hours and then ordered food in. It was SO NICE!! Ellie loved waiting on the waves to knock her over. So cute!

We had family pictures made mid May at the Botanical Gardens and they turned out so cute!!

Mom and Bubba went back to Africa mid May so Ellie and I have been spending as much time as possible in the pool. We've managed to get Stephen out there with us a couple times but its mainly just the two of us. Ellie has no fear of the water and I'm quite certain she'll be swimming by the end of this summer. She is doing so well. She goes all the way under, kicks her feet and moves her arms around and manages to get back up. She is starting to move forward so she's getting there!! Its so exciting! I can't wait for her to be able to swim all the way :)

We took down Ellie's crib last week so now her room has a lot more open space which is nice. I was a little sad when we took down the crib; little by little she's no longer being seen as a baby :(. She is such a sweet girl though, love love love.

Oh, and Stephen turns 30 in a few days and I'm throwing him an 80's themed birthday party!! I'll post pictures after.

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