Saturday, April 19, 2008

The joys of school

I started taking my last 2 classes for education last Saturday. It is not fun having to wake up at 7 am on my off day. I won't get to sleep in for the next 8 weeks. I will say that class is going well. We are there from 8:30-4:30 every Saturday. Well, I should say that is the time we are supposed to be there. She has let us out between 2-3 both weeks so hopefully it will continue that way. Work is also going well. We only have 7 weeks left; that means 6 weeks of instruction, 2 days of review, and 3 days of exams. Then I am OUT until August 11th. YAY!!! It's going to be a wonderful summer :-) Oh, and good news, I was recommended for a renewal of contract for the 2008-2009 school year. The first 3 years of teaching, at any school, you are up for renewal at the end of the year. This year there have been extreme budget cuts and I was lucky enough to not be affected. I guess you can chalk it up to no one else wanting to teach Interior Design (actually not KNOWING how to). The only way I wouldn't be re hired is if someone else in the county that teaches design got laid off and has precedence over me. I am the newest addition so my head is always on the chopping block! but anyways, I am going outside now to wash the cars before it gets dark. Just thought I would put an update out there :-)

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