Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring Break is ending...

It has been a wonderful Spring Break. I went to my dads last weekend and watched my nephew play his first baseball game. He was sooooo cute, I'll have some pictures up soon. His team won, 10-2 :-) Stephen and I got a new car and it is being delievered on Sunday, I am sooo excited! I can't wait to drive it. It has been a busy break, I've been to the beach and the pool, out of town, got a facial (getting a manicure/pedicure tomorrow), went to IKEA, and took care of my sweet husband. He was sick for about 2 days :-( While he was sick I cut the grass, washed my car and cleaned the house! Today was a very busy day. Oh, IKEA is pretty cool, it is huge, so if anyone is thinking of going I suggest you plan to go more than once. We were there for about 3 hours and had to rush through 1/2 of it because we were so tired. So anyways, that is the jist of what I have been doing. I am not ready to go back to work already but I guess I can't complain; how many other people get an entire week off for "Spring Break"?! I do still have tomorrow and Sunday so it isn't completley over :-)

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