Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hurricane Days

Yesterday was my first day back at work with the students. It was a very successful first day of school and went by really fast. All of my classes are packed out to the max and I think they are all going to be lots of fun, but only time can tell. There is supposed to be a hurricane coming through today so school was cancelled. Lucky kids, the second day of school gets cancelled. We have to make the day up in October, but I think that's o.k because the week we have to make it up is still going to be a 4 day week :-) Lucky us, I love my job! I've been home all day just hanging out. It only rained a little bit so I guess that's good. I was going to go to a water fitness class today (for the first time) but of course the pool at the YMCA is closed. I should probably go to the gym at some point today but I am just being a little lazy. I don't want to get out in the nasty weather...I'm going to go and vacuum now. Y'all have a good day. I love you MOM!

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