Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Wow, it's already March. Ellie will be a year old in one short month. She has grown so much and I have enjoyed every minute of her (even when I am exhausted and short on patience :0). She is such a sweet and funny little girl. She loves to give Stephen and me hugs and she loves playing games. Stephen will chase her around the house and she just giggles away. It is the sweetest thing to watch them play together. I taught her how to roll the ball so we do that quite a bit. She also has this cheap little baby doll that she absolutely loves and carries it everywhere; in the grocery store, church, the gym, her HIGHCHAIR, crib, she even tries to take her in the bath tub :). She has not started walking by herself yet. She will walk if you hold both her hands and she creeps along the furniture but nothing by herself. I really want her to walk before her first birthday but if she doesn't I'll survive. I'm just looking forward to holding her hand while she walks as opposed to carrying her everywhere. Although, I must say I sure do get some good lovins when I carry her.

Ellie also loves talking to her grandmomma on the web cam. She always reaches for the screen and touches moms face. We try to web cam every day so that Ellie can see her and vis versa. I think it helps a lot with her not forgetting her grandmomma. I have several pictures of mom and Ellie in Ellie's room and she gets really excited and starts smiling and babbling when she sees them. She is definitely grandmomma's girl too :)

We've been doing lots of stuff with our playgroup these past couple of months and I really enjoy it. I also joined a stroller fit group so that I can get a little exercise while Ellie enjoys the outdoors. I just started last week and we went to the Botanical Gardens. It was nice. Ellie held hands with her new friend, it was so cute!!

Other than playing we still go to the gym several times a week and to the church two or three times per week. Ellie has gotten really good about me dropping her off in the nursery at both places. She barely makes a peep anymore. She'll stick her lip out and look like she's going to cry but she normally pulls herself together and doesn't actually shed any tears, which makes it so much easier on me.

Oh, and Ellie went thorough this phase where she didn't want to use her hands to pick stuff up so she would just use her mouth instead. It was soo funny!!

Well, I guess I'll go. Ellie fell asleep on the floor right next to me so I'm having to be VERY quiet.

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