We had a Thanksgiving playgroup today and it was lots of fun. Ellie did really well sharing all of her new toys (electric jeep and jumpy horse that Mrs. Cynthia gave her) and only had a meltdown over Dora (which is normal). What I love about this Dora obsession is that she has really never even seen the cartoon. I mean, she's probably seen like five minutes of one episode but because she got this Dora mermaid for her birthday Dora is her all time favorite. We went to a friends Dora themed birthday a couple of weeks ago so now whenever I tell Ellie we are going to a party she says "Dora". Last weekend she went to a birthday at a place called Super Suppers and all she kept talking about beforehand was Dora :-)
Anyways, the party was a ton of fun; Ellie got to make her own pizza and decorate her own cupcake. She was the youngest one there, most of the kids were three or four but she fit right in. It was really funny because she didn't grasp the concept that the pizza had to bake before she could eat it and she kept trying to eat FROZEN sausage. Then, they get the cupcakes out and tell the kids that they are only decorating them and that they have to wait until after the pizza is done before they can eat them. Wellll, Ellie had her own ideas. She agreed not to eat the frosting but there was absolutely no stopping her from eating the sour candies that were SUPPOSED to go on top :-)
Speaking of candy, Ellie loves "chocate". First thing in the morning she wants it, last thing at night, she wants it. Mom and I were talking about where to eat and Ellie chimes in from the backseat "I like chocate". It was so sweet that she was putting in her opinion. Speaking of chocoalte I have to tell this story....the other day Ellie was playing with Dora and asked me for some chocolate. I said "no, you've already had enough chocolate today" so she says o.k and continues playing. Well, a few minutes later she told me that "Dora wants Chocate". It was just so cute and creative that I decided the effort was worth the treat. I give her the chocolate and she gives Dora a "bite" then she took a little bite. She gave dora another "bite" and then polished it off. I mean, it was just the cutest thing ever. I was reading in a magazine the other day where they talked about how kids (at this age) lying is actually an indicator that they are smart...well if that is the case I have a genius on my hands :))))
Anyways, Ellie is talking like crazy. She is still saying new things everyday and is putting sentences together every time I turn around. "Shower" is her new favorite word but she loves taking her dora bubble bath every night. She has also discovered how to do a flip so she's been practicing that a lot lately. She is also very particular about what she wants and how she wants it. If she asks for juice and you give it to her in the wrong cup she gets upset. Same thing goes with her bowls, plates, and utensils. She will pick out what she wants and that's the easiest way to go.
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