Sunday, March 16, 2008

Well, it is Sunday. The weekend has been good. I went to my Aunt Rachel's on Saturday and helped with Gabriela's birthday party. It was a beautiful day outside but it was very windy. Today Stephen and I went to church and then I went out to eat with some girls from work. We ate at a place called the Elephant Bar. It was really good. They have a wide variety of food. So now I'm just at home, getting ready for the week. I can't believe the whole weekend is over already. Luckily, this week is a four day week for us. There will be no school on Good Friday :-) Well, for those of you wondering, I have not been successful in not eating chocolate. I just love it too much. Most days I limit myself to one piece but it just isn't realistic for me as far as everyday is concerned. So OH WELL.... now we are thinking about renting the house. We are checking around to see what our options are, how much it will cost, how much rent we can get out of it, etc. I just don't think we will be able to sell the house ANYTIME soon so we might as well try to rent it. I mean, if we want to go back to Birmingham. There are pros and cons to staying and moving, we'll just have to see what happens.

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