Monday, March 28, 2011

Beachin it

STephen, Ellie, and I took a quick trip to the beach last weekend and it was so nice to get away. We stayed with a friend that has a little boy that is two and a half and he and Ellie had a good time playing together. They were both so sweet with eachother. Several people asked if they were twins, haha. Ellie loved the beach and playing in the sand even though it was too cold to get in the water. We spent most of the day Saturday in the pool and hot tub and then went to eat on the beach that night. The restaurant had a really nice playground on the beach so after dinner we let Ellie play on the playground and in the sand. Stephen walked her to the ocean and showed her how to build a sand castle; well he tried anyways. She was mainly interested in knocking it over than anything else. Sunday was BeAUTIFUL so we went to the beach bright and early. When the birds ran us off (They weren't really messing with us but Ellie was not a huge fan of them so she said she was ready to go)we went to the pool for a couple hours, hit up the outlets, then drove home. So nice to get away.

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