Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February is here

I am glad that February is finally here, this means we only have a few more months until Ellie gets here!!! We are both very excited and ready for her arrival. I have tried my best not to buy her any clothes but of course I have not succeeded in that area. It's really hard to pass up cute clothes that are on clearance. I have been buying mainly stuff for later because that is what is on sale right now. However, I have also bought some newborn stuff. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find newborn clothes? She's going to be dressed so cute!!! My shower is in less than two weeks and I am very excited. I'll get to see all of my friends in Birmingham :-)

I have been packing more stuff around the house. I'm trying to get ready to move but some of the stuff can't be packed because we are using it. I think we mainly have only big stuff to pack.

Stephen is in Vegas all week and I am lonely. Luckily he will be home in two days. I don't like being home alone. I've tried to stay busy but of course today I broke down and went shopping. However, I am happy to say that I got a bunch of stuff for not much money. I had a couple of gift certificates for DSW so I got myself two pairs of shoes for only $12!!! Everything else was for Ellie of course. Tomorrow I have open house so that will make the day go by fast; although I HATE open house.

Well, y'all have a great day!

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